The Kremlin sent reinforcements to the Kursk region where battles between Ukrainian and Russian troops are ongoing. Ukrainian losses have increased, with the country’s military chief estimating over 1,600 troops lost, while President Putin stated that Ukrainian losses were rising dramatically. Fighting inside Russia continued, with military bloggers reporting that neighboring regions could also be at risk, although NBC News could not confirm these details. Some images of Ukrainian troops inside Russia have been shared on social media, including videos of a Ukrainian flag being raised and a Russian flag being removed in the Kursk region. Evacuations have been taking place in border communities in Kursk due to reports of civilian casualties and destruction, with over 120,000 people already evacuated. Russian officials have warned of potential attacks on other border regions, including the Bryansk region. Both Ukraine and Russia have accused each other of endangering Europe’s largest nuclear plant after a fire broke out at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, with conflicting claims about the cause of the fire. The International Atomic Energy Agency stated that radiation levels remained normal and that there was no impact on nuclear safety despite the explosions and smoke seen at the plant.
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