Ukraine has banned the use of the messaging app Telegram on official devices used by government officials, military personnel, and critical workers due to concerns that Russia can spy on messages and users. The decision was made after evidence of Russian special services’ ability to snoop on the platform was presented to the National Security and Defence Council. However, the ban applies only to official devices, not personal phones.
In addition to the Telegram ban, Russian forces launched strikes in Kharkiv, injuring 15 people in three different city districts. Further casualties were reported in other regions of Ukraine, but the accounts could not be independently verified. The European Union has announced plans to lend Ukraine €35 billion and help it “keep warm” ahead of a third winter of war with Russia.
President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has emphasized the need for quick decisions by allies this year, as Ukraine’s “victory plan” in the war against Russia depends on support from partners. The US is preparing a $375 million military aid package for Ukraine, while Norway plans to increase civilian aid by 5 billion kroner this year. Russia has charged four soldiers with torturing a US citizen in Russian-held Donetsk, and accusations have been made against Ukraine for a drone attack near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
Nato recently concluded an anti-drone exercise with Ukraine, marking the country’s first participation, as the alliance seeks to learn from the use of unmanned systems in the war. The exercise involved more than 20 countries and aimed to test cutting-edge systems to detect and counter drones.
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