Elizabeth Taylor is the focus of a new three-part series on BBC Two, showcasing her rebellious nature and determination from a young age. The show delves into Taylor’s battles with industry giants and her strong sense of self-worth. Meanwhile, BBC One’s “Our Lives” explores a strange humming noise in a small Northern Irish town, leading to a mysterious investigation with conflicting rumors. Sky Max’s “Funny Woman” delivers a powerful season finale with a mix of wish-fulfillment and grit, while More4’s “The Chateau Murders” follows Quebec City cop CĂ©line as she investigates a killing in a luxurious hotel.
Channel 4’s “First Dates” features a diverse group of singles looking for love in the traditional way, with a mix of ages and personalities. Finally, the new season of “The Graham Norton Show” kicks off with a star-studded lineup including Demi Moore, Colin Farrell, and Lady Gaga discussing their latest projects. In film choices, Sky Cinema Premiere offers “One Life,” a story of a young stockbroker rescuing Jewish children during WWII, and Film4 presents “Lola,” a gripping counterfactual drama set in the 1940s. Overall, there is a wide range of entertainment options to choose from on TV tonight, covering everything from classic Hollywood stars to modern dating struggles and historical dramas with a twist.
Photo credit www.theguardian.com