The Independent is known for its in-depth reporting on a variety of important issues, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. Their latest documentary, ‘The A Word’, sheds light on American women fighting for reproductive rights, highlighting the importance of separating facts from messaging in journalism.
At a critical moment in US history, The Independent relies on reader support to keep reporters on the ground covering stories from both sides. Unlike many news outlets behind paywalls, The Independent believes quality journalism should be accessible to all, funded by those who can afford it.
In other news, ITV’s reality show ‘I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!’ is set to feature its highest-paid star ever in 2024. Coleen Rooney, wife of footballer Wayne Rooney, is reportedly set to earn over £1.5 million for her appearance, surpassing last year’s record-breaking fee paid to Nigel Farage. The show’s line up includes a variety of celebrities, with varying pay scales based on their fame and notoriety.
While soap stars typically earn around £75,000 for their appearances, more recognizable figures like Rooney and former footballer Harry Redknapp have received much higher payouts. Other contestants, including singers, reality TV stars, and athletes, can expect to earn between £150,000 and £200,000 for their time on the show.
Celebrity participants like Rooney and Farage bring in high ratings and controversy, driving up the amount ITV is willing to pay for their appearances. Despite this, the show continues to attract a diverse range of celebrities, with varying salaries that reflect their level of fame and public interest.
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