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In other news, the latest additions to the cast of ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!’ have been causing a stir in the jungle. Love Island star Maura Higgins and broadcaster Reverend Richard Coles have joined the show, enjoying some luxuries not typically found in the jungle. Meanwhile, Coleen Rooney opened up about her relationship with Wayne Rooney and appeared to address past cheating scandals. With other well-known contestants like Alan Halsall and Oti Mabuse in the mix, the show continues to captivate audiences each night on ITV1 and ITVX.
Additionally, Tulisa Contostavlos’ best friend made a public plea regarding the singer’s health battle, urging kindness from the public. Tulisa has been struggling with Bell’s palsy and facial surgeries, prompting her friend to ask for understanding. As viewers continue to follow the drama and challenges in the jungle, the fascination with ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!’ shows no signs of waning.
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